Muskoka’s Leading Architectural Designers, Interior Designers & Landscape Architects

Madison Taylor Design Services: Muskoka Architectural Designers, Muskoka Interior Designers, and Architects of Muskoka's finest landscapes

Madison Taylor Design Logo: Muskoka Architectural Designers, Muskoka Interior Designers, and Architects of Muskoka's finest landscapes

The Madison Taylor Design Approach: Designing Muskoka

### Muskoka Architectural Design ### Muskoka Interior Design ### Muskoka Landscape Architects The integrated architectural design, interior design, and landscape design methods that come to bear on our Muskoka projects are as unique aesthetically as the Muskoka region is geographically: grounded in curiosity, committed to hearing our clients’ voices, and dedicated to the exploration of the functionalities that influence on the unique lifestyles inherent to each Madison Taylor client project. Each client’s individual design aesthetic is facilitated through candid collaboration and transparent engagement.

At Madison Taylor our unique process and approach to customized and integrated architectural design, interior design, and décor, and landscape architecture, most often begins with an in-person site visit to our clients’ Muskoka property. Whether the project is a lakefront retreat, or countryside acreage, we endeavour to understand our clients’ current lifestyles and future plans. Preliminary visits to the site allow our team to experience and understand topography, exposure and frontages first-hand, as we gather together some of the fundamental land and property considerations that play a critically important role in capturing the scope and essence of the projects’ functional purpose, and aesthetic vision.

Are You Ready to Discuss Your Muskoka Dream?

We welcome the opportunity to discuss your Muskoka project – let’s talk.


Following the initial site visit and collaborative discussions, our Muskoka team of project managers, architectural designers, interior designers, and OALA certified Muskoka architects, set forth in the preparation of a thorough project proposal.

Project proposals include a critically important pre-planning report. At Madison Taylor our pre-planning reports are vital to the success and effective execution of our client’s Muskoka projects as they serve to outline the municipal, regional, and provincial considerations and bylaws specific to the individual property relative to land use – what can be done on, and with, the property. At Madison Taylor we pride ourselves in our ability to understand and navigate the local Muskoka processes involved in not only permitting our client projects but also in variance application throughout Muskoka’s townships and municipalities.

Once a proposal has met with approval, we assemble with our clients for an in-depth interview involving lead team members from all four key Muskoka teams — architecture, interior design, interior decorating, and landscape architecture. Communicating openly and authentically, our team of designers and architects collaborate earnestly and diligently with our clients — diving deep to get to the core of their Muskoka vision.

Muskoka Landscape Architects and Architectural Designers collaborated heavily in the design of this Lake Muskoka cottage retreat.

Every aspect of our Muskoka projects are addressed comprehensively from day one.

From the understanding we gain from this collaborative meeting, we’ll create detailed visual presentations showcasing renderings of the proposed architecture, layout, interior design, and landscaping of the client’s Muskoka project.

A collaborative back-and-forth phase follows, which allows us to fine-tune every detail to our clients’ satisfaction. Once the plan is approved and permitting is secured, we seamlessly transition into the construction phase, working closely with our Muskoka builder partners to ensure a flawless execution. As all elements of the process have been planned by this time, the remainder of the project, including interior decorating and landscaping, is focussed on implementation and construction.

Madison Taylor Design is a proud member of the Muskoka Builders’ Association and the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects.

Madison Taylor Design Logo: Muskoka Architectural Designers, Muskoka Interior Designers, and Architects of Muskoka's finest landscapes


[ ![Muskoka Architects](×900-1-e1701119529552.jpg)

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[ ![Muskoka Interior Designers](

Muskoka Interior Design ](

[ ![Muskoka Landscape Design](

Muskoka Landscape Design ](

Are You Ready To Discuss Your Muskoka Dream?

We welcome the opportunity to discuss your Muskoka project – let’s talk.






SERVICE Integrated Design

Muskoka Architecture Services

Muskoka Interior Design Services

Muskoka Landscaping Services



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Design Services For

Muskoka’s Townships and Municipalities:


Huntsville, Bracebridge, Gravenhurst, Muskoka Lakes, Lake of Bays, Georgian Bay, Bala, Port Carling, Rosseau, Torrance, Glen Orchard, Mac Tier, Windermere, Minette, Dwight, Baysville, Dorset, Beaumaris, Milford Bay, Port Sandfield, Foots Bay, Brackenrig, Port Cockburn, Woodington, Ferndale.

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